The Joint International Research Projects (JIRPs), part of the SLE, a research center of the Humboldt University of Berlin, are a cornerstone of international collaboration and research. These projects bring together interdisciplinary teams to address key challenges...
The Resilient Smallholder Initiative was launched on May 31st, 2024, by PRIMA RESILINK, PRIMA INOVFARMER, PRIMA MED-LINKS, H2020 FAIRCHAIN and HE EU4ADVICE. Its main objectives are to collaborate, organize events/webinars, share knowledge, results and tools to...
The first Living Lab (LL) meeting was held on November 29, 2024, at a downtown hotel in Zakynthos Town. The event brought together stakeholders representing the tourism industry, local authorities (Municipality of Zakynthos) and academia. The first meeting focused on...
We are thrilled to share that the partners of the COMANAGE project recently gathered in the beautiful city of Athens, Greece, from 28th to 30th June. This gathering marked the occasion of our annual meeting and the training of hub managers for the three pilot areas....
The ICA CCR European Research Conference 2022 will be held in Athens, from the 13th until of 15th of July at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. The Conference is organized by the ICA CCR Europe Research Board and hosted with the support of five...
Athens, 01/04/2022 Press Release Solution Hub Managers’ Training Event On Wednesday, March 30th, 2022, the Co-opAbility Institute along with the Agriculture Economics Research Institute, co-organized an experimental training seminar for the Solution Hub...
A future where people will cooperate voluntarily and effectively in order to improve their lives and businesses economically, socially, and culturally.
A future where people will cooperate voluntarily and effectively in order to improve their lives and businesses economically, socially, and culturally.
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