Cooperative Solutions HubThe Co-opAbility Institute and the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AGRERI) created the first Cooperative Solutions Hub in Greece with the participation of: THESGI Farmers’ Cooperative of Thessaly, Kilelercoop, Elassona Sheep and Goat Breeders, Co-op Land of Thessaliotida Synagros, Agricultural Cooperative of Farsala Enipeas, Agricultural Dairy Cooperative of Kalavrita, Agricultural Cooperatives’ Union- Aeghion S.A.

The Solutions Hub has been founded in the context of the PRIMA-HORIZON research project AGRICOMPET. Its main goal is to co-design, together with participating cooperatives, innovative organizational solutions to their most pressing organizational governance, and managerial.

On December 15th the first meeting of Hub members took place and, among other agenda items, the participants were informed on the central theme and objectives of  AGRICOMPET, operational details of the Greek Co-operative Solutions Hub. They also attended a two-hour seminar on the life cycle and organizational costs faced by agricultural cooperatives in Greece and globally.

The upcoming meetings are designed in a way that will significantly improve the competitiveness of the Cooperatives-members of the Hub. The conclusions and innovative solutions and tools co-designed during the project will be available to every interested Greek cooperative.

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