Our Actions

Our Actions

The Co-opAbility Institute achieves its objectives by:

  • Providing training to cooperative and producer organization members, board members, and managers on the organization, governance, finance, management, and cooperative leadership of sustainable cooperative businesses. Our educational programs are co-designed together with the trainees, in order to meet their special needs.
  • Facilitating and organizing the co-creation process of sustainable cooperatives and other producer groups.
  • Providing state-of-the-art individual and group coaching and mentoring services to cooperative members, leaders, managers, and personnel. We also provide training programs for policy makers who design policies for cooperatives and cooperation.
  • Conducting top-quality research and innovation activities, whose goal is to develop solutions for cooperatives’ problems and seize future opportunities through organizational, managerial, and social innovations.
  • Organizing educational trips for the exchange of knowledge and experiences with cooperatives and educational institutions in Europe, the Americas, and Oceania, through our extensive network in over 30 countries.
  • Promoting and facilitating networking between and among cooperatives, producer groups and their partners.
  • Publishing papers, volumes, journals, videos, and also using other suitable means to communicate and disseminate knowledge about cooperation, cooperatives, and cooperative leadership.
  • Organizing conferences, workshops, seminars, living labs, communities of practice, and other public events on cooperation and cooperatives.
  • Diffusing the ideas and practices of cooperation throughout the society, starting from schools, children, and teenagers.
  • Educating and providing tailor-made organizational support and facilitation to the individuals and groups interested in starting a sustainable cooperative, including intra- and inter-industry cooperative endeavors.
  • Continuously recording and analyzing scientifically everything that happens in cooperatives or has a significant impact on them.


A future where people will cooperate voluntarily and effectively in order to improve their lives and businesses economically, socially, and culturally.

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Email: info@coopability.org

Co-opAbility Institute

A future where people will cooperate voluntarily and effectively in order to improve their lives and businesses economically, socially, and culturally.

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